"I am a petite little thing, 5" tall and less than 100 pounds. I've always had problems with the fact that people don't take me and my professsional opinions seriously, they don't even think I am a grown up. Now, in my forties I have finally learned to put my foot down and to demand respect without making a big thing out of it. My name is Alexandra, I am 46 years old and I am in charge."


"All my life I have dreamt of being somebody else. Somebody famous, somebody important, maybe a celebrity or something. In my forties I understood that being me is the best thing in the world. I don't have pretend to be something I am not, I finally have the courage to be me. Dressing up as a gothic lolita bride and modern Madame Butterfly for this shoot was fun, but I don't have to play role plays for real life anymore. My name is Tomoko, I am 43 years old and I am happy with who I am."

Styling, hair, photography and post production: SCANDICA Fine Art Photography


Make up: Princess Kaillez

Styling, hair, photography and post production: SCANDICA Fine Art Photography


"I was in my twenties when I was told I could never have children. Years went by and I watched my friends getting married and having babies, thinking I would never experience the joy of motherhood. Clouds of sadness and sorrow finally parted when I met a man of my dreams, got married and I am now carrying his child. My name is Tina, I am 40 years old and I am finally a mother."

Styling, photography and post production: SCANDICA Fine Art Photography


"On the eve of my 40th birthday I wrote a note for myself. It said "I am 40 years old and I can do whatever I want". I kept reading the note to myself and it became a mantra, which helped me to cope with difficult situations in life. Pushing my limits has helped me found strength I knew I 've always had. I am old enough not to care what other people think of me. I can do whatever I want and if dating a man, younger than me makes me happy, I'll do it. My name is Mre, I am 44 years old and I am in love with a younger man."

Make up and hair: Princess Kaillez
Styling: Terri Franklin
Models: Robert George and Ms. Mre
Photography and post production: SCANDICA Fine Art Photography


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase "A woman in her forties"? I guess it depends who you are, where you are and most important, how old you are.

When I was a teenager, forty was old. Just plain old. My mom's age. History. Game over and waiting to die. Well, during those days I also considered legal drinking age as the beginning of adulthood, which I now know to be false. In my twenties I didn't think about women in their forties, I was thinking about boys. Which I still do, the only difference being that the boys I think about today are not neighbors boys but my own. Finally, in my thirties the big four zero was hanging in the horizon like a gigantic dark cloud, an issue which I would deal with when I'll have a minute from emails, to-do lists and kids homework.

Well, that minute is yet to come, but here I am. As I now stand at the doorstep of this magical era of forty something and being considered old by my own children, I want to take a look at other women in their forties. I want to show you how they see themselves. How does it feel to be a woman in her forties in todays world? Not how old or how young do they look but how do they look? Are Botox and supportive pantyhose really their best and/or only friends? Or could there be more important things in life?
40 over 40 is a photographic art project. The purpose of this project is to photograph 40 beautiful, gorgeous, lovely women in Chicago during summer 2009. To show you, me and the generations to follow that life's good, until you hit 40. That's when it becomes great!
These photographs are not just portraits, but my artistic interpretation of these lovely women in their prime. Stylists, hair and make up artists and some creative editing has been used for artistic purposes only.

40 OVER 40へようこそ



40 over 40は、写真芸術のプロジェクトである。このプロジェクトの目的は、2009年の夏、シカゴにおいて、キレイでゴージャスでステキな40代の女性を撮影すること。40に到達するまでのあなたに、私に、そして続いてくる世代に、人生ってステキよって見せるために。40その時こそが、人生サイコーってね。